Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Who wants to help me build a craft to get us to the moon to find out whats there? once and for all?

Hi skeptics,

My name is Chris. I live in Gods own in the south pacific called New Zealand. Some people refer to us as middle earth, or if you're really weird, then perhaps we are Argharta?lol. We love our Rugby, Steinlager beer, Pavlova pudding and giving the Aussie's

Now, like other likeminded indviduals, I've always been fascinated with notion of there being UFO's. I'm always intrigued for some reason when I learn of a UFO sighting or crashes and alien moon bases.

What intrigues me more however, is even after all the "evidence" points to there existence, the one's in power (the one's with the most money) are covering it up. Why? I don't know...

So, I thought to myself - well, if there's such a huge coverup, instead of moaning about wanting the one's with lots of money to tell us the truth - why dont you get off your ass and find out yourself.

Hence my blog: I'm prepared to see if a group of people would like to join / help me in building and launching a space craft to get us to the moon to know for ourselves what's up there. I want to know for myself if there really is an Alien Moon base. I want to know if objects in outer space are really extra-terrestial. I want to know, and I have a right to. I shouldnt have to wait for when someone else is ready. This is the age of information and uncle's wisdom is running out on this subject.

I'm not kidding. Here's my proposal and excuse my lack of infinite details.....I'm just gonna look at the simple picture and work out the hard bits as we go.

1. Build a launch rocket for a dozen or so of us,
2. Launch the sucka with us in it into space
3. Goto the moon - land
4. Stay up there for as long as we can
5. Get the evidence we need
6. Return to our planet
7. Report our finding publically

I'm honestly not joking, and i'm not trying to stir anyone's annoyances with blogs such as this. If you are honestly and genuinely keen on doing this, then let me know, because I'm going to need YOUR help to get us there.

I have no idea of what type of expertise we need, but come on guys - if other's have done it (if they really did do then so can we.

How's it going to be, we'll have to fund it ourselves. From our own wages or salaries, but don't let that be the reason to pass down an opportunity to be a private group, on a mission of truth.

Who's in?


  1. hmmm...maybe i need to advertise this blog a lil stronger....Uncle google! can you blast this blog please???

  2. Captains log...stardate...Sun, 10 May 2009---> An attempt was made by posting this blog on The earthlings are a primitive undecisive race where exploration is outweighed by educational theories & guesses. I feel the truth will not be revealed as sooner than had hoped. Captain out! LMAO...muwahhh
